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Sometimes instruments can, and do go missing. This will tell you who is the last person who had (or has) it.
Which instrument are you looking for: Bass Drum - 32 inchBass Drum on Stand: Adams - 40 inchBass Drum on Stand: Premier - 36 inchBell TreeMark Tree/Windchimes (damper missing)Mark Tree/Windchimes (high, no damper)Tubular Bells (Large set)Tubular Bells (Small set)WindchimesBass Bell 01 Eb (Low)Bass Bell 02 EBass Bell 03 FBass Bell 04 F#Bass Bell 05 GBass Bell 06 AbBass Bell 07 ABass Bell 08 BbBass Bell 09 BBass Bell 10 CBass Bell 11 C#Bass Bell 12 DBass Bell 13 Eb (High)Bell Plate (C)Bell Plate (E)Bell Plate (G)Extension Bell High F#Extension Bell High GExtension Bell Low BExtension Bell Low BbConcert Tom (10 inch)Concert Tom (12 inch)Concert Tom (13 inch)Concert Tom (14 inch)Concert Tom (15 inch)Concert Tom (16 inch)Concert Toms (6 + 8 inch)Antique Cymbals #1Antique Cymbals #2Antique Cymbals, StringClash Cymbals - 18 inch #1Clash Cymbals - 18 inch #2Clash Cymbals- 20 inch Zildjian FrenchClash Cymbals- 24 inch ZildjianCymbal, Chinese (24 inch)Cymbal, Chinese (old)Cymbal, CrashCymbal, Medium Thin Crash - 16 inchCymbal, SizzleCymbal, SplashCymbal, Thin Crash - 18 inchSuspended Cymbal #1Suspended Cymbal - 18 inchSuspended Cymbal #2Bongos- PlasticBongos- Skin (with clamp)Bongos- Skin (with stand)Cabasa, metalCaxixis, doubleCaxixis, singleClaves, AfricanClaves, CeramicClaves, WoodConga (11 inch, high)Conga (11 inch, low)Conga (11 inch, medium)Guiro, PlasticMaracas, beadedReco Reco, BambooReco Reco, SpringTorpedo, LargeBreak drum, smallHammer (for Mahler 6)Rain Stick, 36 inch #1Rain Stick, 36 inch #2SirenSpring, largeThunder SheetWind MachineXequebum, largeBosun/boatswain's WhistleCansCar Horn #1Car Horn #2Castanet MachineCastanets, fingerCastanets, handleChime BarChing RingCowbell, Hand (large)Cowbell, Hand (small)Cowbell, mountable #1Cowbell, mountable #2Cowbells, tuned (high A & F)Cowbells, tuned (high C# & B)Cowbells, tuned (low C#)Cowbells, tuned (low F & E)Cowbells, tuned (low G# & G)Cowbells, tuned (middle D & A)Cowbells, tuned (middle E & C#)CricketCuckooDuck, Teal and Widgeon CallFlexatone #1 (low)Flexatone #2 (high)Jingles, LeatherJingles, String #1Jingles, String #2Jingle Stick #1KlaxonMaracas, LP FibreMaracas, Plastic, SmallMouth SyrenQuail, Stoat and Blackbird CallRatchetRattle #1Rattle #2Sea-shellsShaker - 12 inchShaker, Egg, BeigeShaker, Egg, BlackShaker, woodSleigh Bells #1Steel pipe (for anvil effects)Tambourine - 9 inch #2Tambourine, Crescent #1Tambourine, Crescent #2Tambourine, Remo 10"Tambourine, Stand MountedTaxi Horns (for an American in Paris)Triangle, 6 inch #1Triangle, 6 inch #2Triangle, 8 inch #1Triangle, 8 inch #2Triangle, Grover Super Overtone, 6"VibraslapWashboardWhipWhip (handle)WhistleWhistle, SwaneeWindchimes, woodDrum Kit Complete (Bass, 3 Toms, Snare, Hi-hat, Ride, Stool and Stands)Field DrumField Drum (calf)Lion's RoarLong Drum (calf)Roto Toms (11.5 and 14 inches)Roto Toms (5.5, 7.5 and 9.5 inches)Tenor DrumTenor Drum (calf)Agogo Bell, Metal #1Agogo Bell, WoodChocalo de platinelaGanza, DoublePandeiroRepiniqueRocar, SingleSamba WhistleSurdo (high)Surdo (low)Surdo (medium) #1Surdo (medium) #2TimbalesTimbales, mini - 8 inch #1Timbales, mini - 8 inch #2Snare Drum #1Snare Drum #2Snare Drum #3Double Bass (no bow) #1ViolaGongTam Tam - 24 inchTam Tam - 28 inchTam Tam - 36 inchTam Tam - 40 inchTimpani: Set 1: 22.5 inch pedal F-B (Elite)Timpani: Set 1: 25 inch pedal C-G (Elite)Timpani: Set 1: 28 inch pedal G-D (Elite)Timpani: Set 1: 30 inch pedal F-C (Elite)Timpani: Set 1: 32 inch pedal D-A (Elite)Timpani: Set 2: 22.5 inch pedal F-B (Pro Symp)Timpani: Set 2: 25 inch pedal C-G (Pro Symp)Timpani: Set 2: 28 inch pedal G-D (Pro Symp)Timpani: Set 2: 30 inch pedal F-C (Elite)Timpani: Set 2: 32 inch pedal D-A (Pro Symp)Timpani: Set 3: 25 inch pedal C-G (Series 1)Timpani: Set 3: 28 inch pedal G-D (Series 1)Timpani: Set 3: 30 inch pedal F-C (Pro Symp)Timpani: Set 4: Fibreglass - 25 inch Tap (not pedal) C-FTimpani: Set 4: Fibreglass - 28 inch Tap (not pedal) F-DTimpani: Set 4: Fibreglass - 30 inch Tap (not pedal) E-C Celesta - 5 1/2 octaveCrotales- 1 Octave (high)Crotales- 1 Octave (low)Glockenspiel, Deagan (on stand)Glockenspiel (in case, black bars)Glockenspiel (in case, chromed bars)Marimba - 5 octaveVibraphoneXylophone - 3 octaveXylophone - 4 octaveTemple Blocks, wood (very poor condition)Wood Block, Grover, Table-top (Large)Wood Block, Grover, Table-top (Small)Wood Block, Old #1Wood Block, Old #2Wood Block, plastic
[These are listed in the same order as on the hire page.]