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View Information about Bookings

Here are some useful ways you can query TIMPANI about bookings:

View booking

Please give the number of the booking you wish to view:

Show invoice payment instructions?

List bookings

List all booking numbers of instruments which are out on hire during the afternoon/evening of:    

Re-send invoice

If you have lost/deleted your invoice, you can have it re-sent to your original email address. If you've lost the booking number, search by date (above) or by email (below).

Please give the number of the invoice you would like a copy of:

List all my invoices

This will list all the invoice numbers (both past and future) which are associated with your email address.

Please enter your full email address:

Where is Instrument XXX now?

Sometimes instruments can, and do go missing. This will tell you who is the last person who had (or has) it.

Which instrument are you looking for: [These are listed in the same order as on the hire page.]